Cauliflower Cheese Sticks


¼of a large head of cauliflower “riced
1tsp. olive oil
2cloves garlic, minced
1large egg (white), lightly beaten
½cup mozzarella cheese
½tsp. dried Italian herb seasoning, divided
Marinara Sauce for dipping

Preheat the oven to 350. Line a 9×5” loaf pan (recipe called for loaf pan but I used a lasagna pan) with parchment paper and spray it with cooking spray.
To “rice” the cauliflower, use your cheese grater. When you’re done, you should have about 1.5 cups lightly packed. Place the riced cauliflower into a microwavable bowl and microwave until softened, about 5 minutes depending on your microwave (no need to add any water).
While that is cooking, heat the oil in a small skillet over low heat and add your garlic until softened. When your cauliflower is softened, add the garlic mixture, lightly beaten egg white, Italian seasonings, and 3/4 of the mozzarella. Stir and mix well, then spread onto your prepared pan.
Bake until they start to turn golden brown; about 30 minutes. Remove from the oven, flip the loaf over so the bottom side is now on top and add the remaining cheese and a sprinkle more of the Italian herb seasoning. Bake for another 10 minutes or until the cheese is melted and golden.
Cool (until they harden slightly) and cut into pieces and serve hot or warm. Heat up marinara sauce and serve.

Homemade Marinara Sauce

Homemade Marinara Sauce

Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Why we love this recipe. Making your own marinara sauce is so simple and to us, tastes much brighter and more fresh than what you can buy at the store. It’s easy to store in the refrigerator or even the freezer, too.
What you need to know. We realize it may seem strange that we ask you to buy whole tomatoes then crush them by hand before adding to the sauce. You could buy crushed tomatoes from the store, but hand crushing the tomatoes adds much more texture and feels more “homemade” to us. Also, we ask that you grate the carrot — this makes sure it is small and will melt into the sauce. The garlic will also melt into the sauce.
Equipment you’ll need. A chef’s knife, boxed grater, large pot, measuring spoons, large bowl and a wooden spoon or spatula.
Created By: 
Serves: 6 cups
  • 1/4 cup (60 ml) olive oil
  • 3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 large onion, finely chopped (about 1 1/4 cups or 180 grams)
  • 1 medium carrot, grated (about 1/2 cup or 60 grams)
  • Two 28-ounce cans whole peeled tomatoes
  • 1 dried bay leaf
  • 20 fresh basil leaves, roughly chopped (optional)
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Prepare Sauce
  1. Heat olive oil in a large pot over medium-low heat. Add onions and garlic then cook, stirring occasionally, until softened but not browned – about 8 to 10 minutes.
  2. Add the grated carrots and a pinch of salt then cook another 3 to 5 minutes, stirring occasionally until softened.Homemade-Marinara-Sauce-Step-1
Crush and Add Tomatoes
  1. While the vegetables cook, open tomato cans then pour tomatoes with juices into a large bowl. Use you hands or a potato masher to crush the tomatoes until desired sauce consistency.Homemade-Marinara-Sauce-Step-2
  2. Add crushed tomatoes with all juices and bay leaf to pan. Stir sauce then bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a gentle simmer and cook, stirring occasionally, for 20 to 30 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper. (Note – if the sauce is too bright or acidic, try adding a pinch of sugar to balance the acidity from the tomatoes).
  3. Remove bay leaf and discard then stir in chopped basil.Homemade-Marinara-Sauce-Step-3
To Store
  1. To store, cool then refrigerate up to one week or freeze up to 6 months.

Fun With Diabetes: Pizza Bites (Recipe)

These are exciting so get excited! This recipe is literally for everyone. You could eat this recipe every day of the week and still get lean. This seems like a treat but it is a snack or a part of a meal.
These are great for adults, children, entertaining and even to pack for on-the-go quick snacks. These are a new staple in your kitchen!
There is nothing more satisfying than these bite-sized, easy to dip pizza bites.
Enjoy these! Let me know in the comments how much you love them!
This recipe is gluten-free, low-carb, higher in protein, guilt-free, low in fat, high in fiber and the best craving solution ever!

Guilt-Free Pizza Bites (Cauliflower Pizza Bites)

Prep time: 10 Minutes - Cook time: 25-30 Minutes
Yield: Makes 24 Cauliflower Pizza Bites


  • 2 Cups Grated Cauliflower (washed, dried and grated using a food processor or cheese grater by hand until rice-like or thinner – Note – Approximately one head of cauliflower)
  • 1/4 Cup Egg Whites
  • 1 Cup 1% Cottage Cheese (drained)
  • 1 Tsp Oregano
  • 2 Tsp Parsley
  • 1/4 Tsp Garlic Powder
  • 1 Tbsp Coconut Oil (Optional)
  • 1-2 Tbsp Frank’s Hot Sauce (Optional)


  1. Pre-heat your oven to 450 F.(232 C)
  2. Using a healthy cooking oil spray your mini muffin tin.
  3. In a hot frying stir fry the “cauliflower rice” until the cauliflower is slightly translucent (about 6-8 minutes). Place in a bowl and let cool.
  4. Place all other ingredients the food processor and blend until smooth.
  5. In a bowl combine both the “cauliflower rice” and blended ingredients. Mix completely.
  6. Evenly spoon mixture into your muffin tin molds. Press pizza dough down evenly and firmly (*The pressing down firmly is very important to make sure these stick together).
  7. Place in your oven and bake for 25-30 minutes.
  8. Remove the pizza bites from the oven and let set until cool (This is also very important – let these pizza bites set in their pan for 5 – 10 minutes before removing – If you take them out while they are too hot they will break).
  9. Once cool remove from muffin tin (either by tipping them out OR by running a thin knife down along the side and popping them out).
  10. Use organic, natural pizza or pasta sauce for dipping (or make your own sauce- Simple Marinara Sauce link).
  11. Enjoy!

Gestational Diabetes Diet Plan

‘Gestational Diabetes’ means high blood sugar (glucose) count during pregnancy. In most of the cases of such diabetes, the blood sugar level drops down to normal after delivery. However, gestational diabetes may sometimes adversely affect the growth of the foetus. Therefore, regulating blood sugar during pregnancy is imperative for ensuring the birth of a healthy baby. Normally, the most effective way of keeping blood sugar in check is by following a nutritious diet plan and a regular exercise regimen. Furthermore, the food plan should be so formulated as to incorporate all the essential nutrients required by a pregnant woman. Given below is the meal plan that diabetic pregnant women should follow.

Gestational Diabetes Diet Plan

Apart form eating a nutritious diet, a woman with gestational diabetes must also keep a check on the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Generally, eating too much carbohydrate will trigger increase in the glucose level. However, cutting off carbohydrates totally from your diet chart will lead to fall in the blood sugar, which is equally unhealthy. Therefore, the meal plan should be so prepared as to slot in the adequate amount of carbohydrate required by the body. Go through these points to get an idea
regarding a diet that is to be followed by women with gestational diabetes. 

  • Steer clear of sugars, sweeteners and concentrated sweets. Do not consume pies, pastries, cakes, chocolates, cookies, jam, marmalade, soft drinks, table sugar, honey and fruits juices. Food containing sucrose, fructose, dextrose, honey, molasses, corn starch, corn syrup and sweet concentrated fruit juices are strictly to be avoided.

  • Cut off junk food and packaged meals, like instant noodles, hot dogs, burgers, french fries, potato crisps, tinned fish, tinned soups and frozen foods, from your diet. You should avoid consuming any of these items even in small quantities.

  • Make sure to eat a very small, but healthy breakfast, comprising of proteins. Do not drink juice or eat fruits and corns. Avoid eating pastas, rotis and paranthas. Instead, opt for eggs, lentil broth, skinned chicken or brown bread spread with peanut butter.

  • Instead of eating large meals, divide your meals into small portions and eat after every three to four hours. Increase the intake of lean proteins and see that you include a rich protein source, like meat (low fat), fish (skinned), eggs, cottage cheese, nuts, peanut butter, etc, in each meal. 

  • Introduce high fiber and lots of green foods in your diet. Fresh and leafy vegetables, whole grain breads, cereals, pulses, beans and fresh fruits should be consumed in large quantities. Ensure that you eat fruits only for lunch or dinner and do not have them for breakfast.

  • Refrain from eating deep fried and fatty foods. Cooking oil should be sparingly used, possibly avoided. Instead of frying foods (even fish and meat), bake, boil or steam them. You can also eat barbecued meat and fish. Avoid meat with high fat content, like pork.

  • To reduce the intake of fat, use only skim or low-fat milk and dairy products. Thick cream, butter, cheese, mayonnaise, margarine and sour cream are to be replaced with low-fat foods and proteins.

How To Avoid Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in the world, and one of the risky as well. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which the human body is unable to produce ample amounts of insulin and is unable to utilize insulin properly.
Insulin is a hormone that is vital to convert sugar, starches and other food items into energy for the body to use. Lack of insulin production means lack of energy for the body which comes along with a lot other complications and health problems.
Therefore, it is better you start taking steps to eradicate the possibilities of diabetic attack before the malady strikes. Haven’t you heard the saying, ‘prevention is better than cure’? Well we are sure most of you have. It is therefore better to be well acquainted than to suffer later with the disease and it’s after affects. There are many ways in which one can control blood sugar levels and curb any risk of a diabetic attack and related problems. This article provides you with various ways to avoid diabetes.  Read on to learn more.

How To Avoid Diabetes

Daily Exercise

A daily exercise routine is the best way to avoid diabetes. Working out regularly or indulging in some physical activity will improve blood circulation and the body’s ability to use insulin and absorb glucose. It has been scientifically established that even a small exercise routine daily reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

Maintain A Healthy Weight

Being overweight or obese is one of the common causes of diabetes. Obesity is a serious threat to a person and increases the risk of developing diabetes in a person. Therefore, it is advisable to maintain a healthy weight through a weight loss diet plan or by exercising regularly.

Avoid Refined Carbohydrates

Try and avoid the consumption of refined carbohydrates. Make sure that you reduce or eliminate the consumption of refined carbohydrates like sugar, soft drinks, fruit drinks and fruit juice, white bread, white rice, white pasta and other refined carbohydrates because these lead to a frequent rise in the blood sugar levels. Consuming these food items in large quantities increases the risk of diabetes.

Consume Plant Foods

Increase the consumption of plant foods in order to reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Start consuming foods rich in fiber like colorful vegetables, beans, fresh fruits and whole grains. Intake of these food items will lower the risk of diabetes and will keep your appetite and calories under control.

Regular Physical And Eye 

Check Up

It is advisable to go in for a regular diabetes check up and a yearly physical or routine eye examination. Yearly physical check up’s will bring forth diabetic related complications if any, including the signs of kidney damage, nerve damage and heart disease. The eye care specialist will check for any signs of retinal damage, cataracts and glaucoma.

Consume Healthy Fats

It is important for you to learn which fatty food is acceptable and which fatty food is dangerous. Fats found in omega 3 fish like tuna, fats in raw nuts, seeds, whole grains and olive oil are fats that you can consume to help reduce the risk of diabetes. It is the trans fats that one should avoid consuming.

Quit Smoking And Drinking

If you are in habit of smoking or drinking, it is advisable for you to kick the habit right away. Tobacco and liquor increases the risk of diabetes in the long run. Smoking specially increases the risk of diabetes 50% more than any other food habit can.

Keep Blood Pressure And 

Cholesterol Under Check

It is important on your part to keep your blood pressure and cholesterol under check, because diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol put pressure on the blood vessels. Cholesterol and high blood pressure levels along with diabetes increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other complicated health issues. Therefore, it is essential on your part to exercise and follow a healthy diet to keep your cholesterol and blood pressure under control.

Take Stress Seriously

You should take stressful situations seriously and take steps to deal with them as soon as possible. Stress will make you neglect your diabetes care routine and the hormones which your body produces under stressful situation will prevent proper working of insulin. Therefore, it is important to learn techniques to deal with stress so that you can concentrate on the diabetes control routine.


Early Signs Of Diabetes

With the continuous rise in the number of cases of diabetes, it has become very important for us to be aware of the early signs and symptoms of the disorder. However, before getting to know the symptoms, you need to understand what is diabetes? It is a chronic nutritional disorder, wherein, the body has high level of blood glucose. In this case, the body is unable to break the sugar levels and also cannot produce insulin. While the former causes excess of sugar level in the blood, the latter is concerned with loss of energy. Although the disorder mostly strikes the obese people in middle or older age, it is also common in the youth as well. If you want to know the warning signs and symptoms of diabetes, read below. 
Warning Signs And Symptoms Of Diabetes 
  • One of the foremost signs of diabetes is excessive thirst. This is due to the fact that the additional glucose absorbs the moisture from the cells, leading the body to send dehydration  signals.

  • Another early symptom of diabetes is frequent urination. Though you are consuming more water, the body cells do not absorb it which makes the extra glucose to pass it through the blood stream to the kidneys and bladder.

  • Getting tired easily is another sign of diabetes. Since the body is unable to breakdown food properly, the muscle cells lack the energy they require. Frequent urination and thirst also leads to less sleep which adds to the fatigue syndrome.

  • Diabetes in the early stages causes an increased appetite. To lower the blood glucose, the body secretes more insulin, which results in increased hunger.

  • The initial stages of diabetes cause weight loss as well. Frequent urination leads to loss of sugar in the urine. Hence, the body uses muscular proteins and fats, as its source of energy, leading to weight loss.

  • Headaches, muscle aches and body pains constitute the early signs and symptoms of diabetes. These cause sleep pattern to be even more disrupted, leading to more fatigue. 

  • Blurred vision is another problem caused right at the onset of diabetes. The increased blood sugar level leads to deformity in the shape of the eye lenses, which may lead to permanent blindness.

  • A patient diagnosed with diabetes, in the initial stages, faces frequent yeast and skin infections. Yeast survives on sugar and with the raised sugar levels, the infections are bound to occur.

Diabetes In India

Diabetes is a disease marked by high levels of blood sugar, once identified, it remains throughout the life. India has been acclaimed along with China and the US, due to its alarming growth rate of diabetics by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). India, along with 30 million cases, is following China (39 million cases) while followed by the US with 21 million cases on the dubious roster.
Before going to any further discussion, it is essential to know the reasons behind the great rise in the diabetics in the past few years. 

Causes and Incidence

  • The very first cause of Diabetes could be due to resistance to insulin, little insulin (a hormone secreted by the pancreas to control blood sugar), or both.
  • To comprehend diabetes, it is essential to know about the process of food metabolism.
    When food is digested, glucose enters the blood which is also a source of energy for the body. As stated earlier, Insulin is made by the pancreas and its function is to move glucose from the blood to muscle, fat and liver cells, where it can be used as energy provider.
  • Diabetics usually have high blood sugar either because their pancreas don’t create adequate insulin, or their muscle, fat and liver cells don’t react to insulin by and large, or both.

Types of Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes:

Generally it is diagnosed in the childhood, and in this, the body creates little or no insulin at all. To continue life, one is required to take injections of insulin on a daily basis.

Type 2 Diabetes:

This is quite common among the patients of diabetes. Mostly occurs in adulthood, in this type of diabetes, the pancreas often fails to make enough insulin to maintain normal blood glucose levels. And sometimes, the body doesn't react well to insulin. Most of the times, people don’t know that they are have got diabetes even in serious conditions. It is getting more common because of escalating obesity and lack of exercising.


Gestational Diabetes:

It is actually high blood glucose which increases during a pregnancy in a woman, who does not have diabetes. It can be treated by giving insulin and making changes in the diet.